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It seems like the Summer season starts to wind down before it even gets started, and the warm days gradually give way to the crisp air of fall, and the next thing you know it's that time of year again – back to school season.

With everyone thinking ahead to what’s next, it’s a great idea to create some back-to-school mini-sessions now so your clients can book their sessions in advance and have that one less thing to worry about while they are trying to relax during Summer break.

Back-to-school minis are a great opportunity to capture milestones for kids and parents, and there are some super fun mini-session ideas that can really make this type of shorter session pop. Let’s dive in!

How Long is a Back-to-School Mini-Session?

As a photographer, you've probably heard the question a million times: "How long should a mini-session be?" While the time is not set in stone, and it can vary a bit from one photographer to the next, mini-sessions usually last anywhere from 15-20 minutes. These are at the location and time of your choice. They are held typically on one day with several sessions back to back.   

How Many Photos Do Clients Get From a Mini- Session?

 Usually, mini-sessions include 3-5 edited digital images delivered to the client via an online gallery or digital download,. There is also the option of offering clients extra image downloads from their mini-session for an additional fee.

Mini sessions at the park.

Posing Ideas for Back to School Mini- Sessions

Here are a few ideas for posing and mini-session setup ideas for back to school. You can also combine a few of these ideas and of course, come up with something inspired from one of these but with a twist!

The Bookworm: Have the child sit cross-legged with a stack of books beside them. Capture their expression when surrounded by the magical world of books.

The Backpack Adventure: Position the child with their backpack slung over one shoulder as if they're ready for an exciting journey. Encourage them to look back with a playful smile, evoking a sense of anticipation for what’s to come in the new school year.

The Chalkboard Message: Find a chalkboard or a large piece of paper where the child can write or draw their favorite school-related memory or aspiration. You can also have them write their own message or draw a picture. Using a chalkboard as a milestone marker is also fun, just remember to keep the message short and sweet- the whole session is only 15-20 minutes long!

The Bus Stop Moment: Position the child near a bus stop sign, holding their backpack and looking expectantly down the road. This is a classic image for the new school year and captures the sense of adventure.

The Classroom set-up: Place the child at a desk or table with pencils, paper, and school supplies. 

The Sports Star: If the child is involved in sports, have them pose with a basketball, soccer ball, or other sports equipment. Capture their confident stance and their love for their favorite activity.

The Playground Fun: Head to a nearby playground and let the child play on the swings, slide, or monkey bars. Capture their genuine laughter and joy as they enjoy some carefree moments.

The Friendship Bond: If siblings or friends are involved in the session, capture their camaraderie and connection. Have them hold hands, walk together, or share a secret, showcasing the importance of relationships at school.

Remember, these posing ideas are just a starting point. Letting kiddos’ personalities shine through during the session and using your creativity for capturing authentic and meaningful moments will reflect their individuality and the excitement of going back to school.

Outdoor Back-to-School Mini-Session Ideas

Take the fun outdoors! Here are some posing ideas for your back-to-school minis outside!

Schoolyard Adventures: Take advantage of the school's outdoor spaces, such as the playground or sports field.

Natural Classroom: Find a picturesque outdoor setting, like a park or a garden, and set up a small "classroom" area with a small table, chairs, and a chalkboard. Let the child sit or stand at the table, surrounded by nature as if they're learning in an enchanting outdoor classroom.

Colorful Pathways: Seek out vibrant locations with colorful backdrops, such as murals or graffiti walls, to add a pop of excitement to the photos. Have the child walk along the pathway, stopping to strike a pose against the captivating artwork.

Under the Canopy: Head to a location with trees or a beautiful wooded area. Capture kiddos standing or sitting beneath the canopy of leaves, with sunlight filtering through. These shots will create a magical, back-to-nature atmosphere.

Vintage School Vibe: Look for old school buildings, libraries, or historic sites with vintage charm where you can set up your mini-session. 

Min session in front of a black board in studio.

Indoor Back -to- School Mini-Session Ideas

Here are a few more indoor mini-session setup ideas to add to those in the posing section above.

Cozy Reading Nook: Set up a cozy reading nook with a comfortable chair or bean bag, a bookshelf filled with colorful books, and a soft blanket. 

Desk Setup: Create a mini-studio with a vintage or modern school desk, complete with pencils, paper, and other school supplies. 

Arts and Crafts Corner: Set up a colorful arts and crafts station with paints, brushes, and paper. Encourage the child to let their creativity flow, capturing their hands engaged in a craft project or their face beaming with pride over their artwork.

Science Lab Adventures: Create a mini science lab scene with beakers, test tubes, and colorful liquids (use safe and non-toxic materials, of course!). Capture the child wearing a lab coat or safety goggles, conducting simple science experiments, and showcasing their curiosity and love for discovery.

Picsello's mini session booking feature.

Booking Your Back-to-School Mini-Sessions

 Back-to-school mini-sessions offer a wonderful opportunity to freeze-frame the excitement, anticipation, and joy that surrounds this special time of year. They are also very popular, so you should be able to book your sessions and fill your calendar pretty quickly. Whether you opt for outdoor adventures, or indoor coziness beautiful keepsake images will be made when you capture authentic moments that reflect the unique personality and spirit of each student. So, grab your camera and embrace the back-to-school magic, happy shooting! 

P.S We’d LOVE to see your back-to-school minis! (from this year or years past) Tag us on Instagram or Facebook @teampicsello! 

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