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A compelling About Me is a must-have for your photography business website, but far too many photographers don’t have one. 


Writing about yourself isn’t easy, and people sometimes agonize over what to say and how to say it. Many business owners don’t recognize the importance of the About Me section, but it is one of the first glimpses that potential clients will get of you and your business.

So, let’s talk about why you need an About Me, what to include, and how to use it to get more clients. 

Why You Need an About Me for Your Photography Business

In the photography business, relationships matter. Of course, potential clients are looking for a talented and reliable photographer. But that’s not all. People also want to be photographed by someone they like and trust, someone who helps them feel comfortable and relaxed in front of the camera. 

Your About Me section helps people get a feel for the person behind the lens. Does it seem like they would have a positive experience with you? Is your personality a good fit? People connect with people, so it’s important to show that you’re a relatable person, not just a business. An engaging About Me can set you apart from photographers with similar skill levels and pricing.

Writing your About Me also gives you a chance to clearly explain why people should choose you, what makes you different from others, and how to book you or learn more. Potential clients can go to your About Me section to get quick, simple answers to their most pressing questions — all in one place.

Photographer writing her about page on her photogrpahy website.

What to Include in the About Me on Your Photography Business Website

  • Photo(s) of you
  • Who, what, and where
  • Why you’re a photographer
  • Credentials and accomplishments
  • What makes you different
  • Fun facts
  • How to book you 

Don’t forget to include a photo of yourself in your about me section!

You’re a photographer, so your About Me isn’t complete without a photo! Seeing your face while reading an About Me in your voice builds a connection. 

Don’t choose a stiff, overly formal headshot. Go with a photo or photos that are high-quality and show your personality. You want people to look at the photos and see a friendly, fun, trustworthy person they want to work with, and the rest of your About Me should confirm this impression.

Introduce Yourself - Who, What, and Where

Within the first sentence or two, introduce who you are, what you do, and where you do it. This is essential information that should be easy to find. 

This means saying your name, the type of photography you do (e.g., newborns or weddings), and the area(s) you work in. At a glance, prospective clients need to know where you’re willing to shoot and if you offer the type of photography they’re looking for.

Why You’re a Photographer

Next, include one or two sentences explaining why you’re a photographer. How did you get into photography? Why do you love what you do? Why did you choose your genre — what is it about working with couples or newborns that inspires you?

If you’re passionate about your work, you could probably write pages on this topic, but keep it brief. Share a cute photography origin story if you have one, like your grandfather gifting you your first camera when you were ten. Otherwise, take a couple sentences to convey your passion for your craft and why you love photography. 

Photography Credentials and Accomplishments

Share a bit about your experiences and skills, including any specific accomplishments or accolades. Make it positive and confident, but don’t veer into arrogance. 

You can also mention skills that help you excel in your genre, like being a baby whisperer or having a background in wedding planning that helps you organize and execute a wedding shoot.

What Makes You Different

Your background, motivation, or special skills and accomplishments may set you apart from the crowd. But if there’s anything else that makes you different, be sure to mention it. 

What do you offer that’s unique? Maybe your in-depth knowledge of the area helps you scout the perfect location for your clients. Or you pride yourself on your ability to make clients laugh and put them at ease. Perhaps your technique or style separates you from other photographers. If you developed a unique selling proposition (USP) for your business, you can draw from that and use it here.

 Tip: Your prices shouldn’t be what sets you apart. You don’t want to be known as “the cheap photographer,” so don’t use low prices as your value proposition.

Fun Facts About You

Incorporate a few fun facts throughout your About Me. Fun facts give your audience a sense of who you are, beyond your identity as a photographer.

Avoid generic “fun facts” like your love of travel or binge-watching Netflix. Make it more personal and relatable by including specifics. For example, say you’ve watched all of Ted Lasso at least seven times, or you make a point of visiting a bookstore every time you travel. Sharing a little about yourself on a personal level helps people connect with you and makes them feel more relaxed and comfortable when they are reaching out to you.

How to Book You

At the end of your About Me, briefly explain how to book you and the next steps (e.g., I’ll follow up via email within three business days). You likely mention this on other pages on your website too, but you don’t want someone to have to go on a scavenger hunt to find your booking info.

You can also include your contact information and social media links. Let’s say someone is interested in your photography but isn’t ready to book you just yet. If they follow you on Instagram, they may become a client in the future.  

Photographer reviewing her about me page on her photographer website.

A Few More Tips on Writing Your About Me Page for Your Photography Website

Should You Write in First Person or Third Person?

Because you are writing about yourself, and you want your about me page to sound personal, first person is the way to go for your About Me. 

Your goal is to introduce yourself, convey your personality, and build a sense of trust. It’s much easier to accomplish that when you write in the first person, which always sounds more personal and authentic. 

What’s the Right Tone for Your About Me Page?

Your About Me should sound like you. Of course, it shouldn’t sound like you’re gossiping with your best friend, but it certainly shouldn’t resemble a politician campaigning for office either. Think of how you’d talk to a favorite coworker or a friend of your parent’s. 

Be friendly and approachable. Write in your authentic voice and keep it upbeat, confident, and clear. If you aren’t sure, have a few friends review it and ask them if it represents you well. 

Avoid technical terms or jargon that the average person wouldn’t understand. Feel free to include informal language and a sprinkle of humor, but don’t force it if it doesn’t come naturally. A good tip for getting the tone of your about me right is to read it outloud. If it sounds like you are casually talking to someone about yourself and your business, you’ve got the tone right.

How Long Should Your About Me Page be?

When it comes to the length of your About Me, think Goldilocks. Your About Me should be long enough to convey who you are and other important information, but short enough to keep readers engaged. 

Two sentences is too short, but a full page is too long. At most, a few brief paragraphs should cover it. Make sure you clearly and concisely include the items listed here, and the length will just be right. 

You’re Ready to Start Writing Your Own About Me Page

Now, try to stop overthinking and start writing. Jot down a few notes for each of the “About Me” elements we’ve listed, then write a draft. Don’t worry about editing as you go, just let the words flow naturally. 

After you’ve written a draft, review it carefully. Check for spelling, grammar, clarity, and concision. Does it answer the questions a potential client might have? Will it make sense to the average person? Does it capture who you are as a person? Share the draft with a few friends to ask if it sounds like you, and someone with writing/grammar skills for another review.

When you’re happy with what you’ve written, add the About Me to your photography business website. Prospective clients will see that you’re not just talented, but fun to work with too. And that’s great for your bookings and your bank account!

Want Someone Else to Write Your Content For Your Photography Website?

Visit our friends over at The Photography Business as they offer many services including building your band story, custom blog content as well as social media content - all tailored to you and your business! 

Need to find the right Website Builder for Your Photography Business?

We have you covered with a detailed post that outlines Showit, Squarespace, Wix and Wordpress all in this article "How to Choose the Best Website Builder for Photographers:.'

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