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When it comes to growing your family photography business the power of Facebook mom groups cannot be underestimated. By creating your own mom group you can unleash some serious client-getting potential. These online communities have become vibrant hubs where moms connect, seek advice, and share their experiences. By tapping into these groups, you can gain direct access to a highly engaged and targeted audience of potential clients.

Mom groups provide a valuable platform to showcase your work, share your expertise, and build meaningful relationships with moms who are actively seeking photography services in their area. Especially if you have the experience of living in a small area and trying to grow your business, sharing in local Facebook mom groups will offer serious growth potential for your business.

In this post we dive into how to get started creating your own Facebook mom group, how to get members, how to keep them engaged and how to turn your group members into clients- let’s get started!

Best Practices for Using Facebook Mom Groups for Growing Your Photography Business

Starting a Facebook group is a way to start an exciting community, provide a sense of belonging, and a place for moms to connect and support one another. All the while, you can be making connections that will grow your photography business.

Create a Group that is Authentically You

Whether there are already other Facebook mom groups in your area, or yours is one of the first and only ones, remember to create a group that resonates with you. In other words, try to create your Facebook group in a way that speaks to you and the way you want to interact with your community. Your group should feel aligned with not only your photography brand and business, but also how you would like to show up and interact with your potential clients and community.

Keep Your Facebook Group Engaging

To keep your group vibrant and valuable,  make regular posts, start conversations, and ask relevant questions.You can share your photography and also share blog posts related to resources and tips for moms. (More on this in the how to grow your facebook group below 👇)

Photographer with child at computer

Creating a Facebook Group for Local Moms

To get started you’ll want to use strategy and a step-by-step plan to create your Facebook mom group that will best serve your business and bring value to the community members.

Start with research

Do your research before you start your group so you have a solid foundation to build a community on. By understanding the existing groups in your area, their names, preferred groups among local moms, and the type of content that resonates with them, you can make informed decisions to shape your group strategy that will help you grow your group and your business. 

Dive into the Facebook landscape and explore the mom groups that already exist in your area. Take note of their names, membership numbers, and engagement levels. By understanding the dynamics of these groups, you can gain insights into the preferences and interests of local moms

Not all mom groups are created equal, and some hold more sway among local moms than others. Pay attention to the groups that enjoy high popularity and engagement. Are there specific groups that moms tend to favor and actively participate in?

Once you have conducted your research, it's time to select the group strategy that aligns best with your business goals. Determine whether joining an existing mom group, creating a new group, or collaborating with established groups as a partner or contributor suits your objectives. 

Steps to Set Up Your Facebook Mom Group

  1. Choose a name

Finding the perfect name for your mom-focused group is an exciting step towards creating a thriving community. It's important to choose a name that not only resonates with the moms in your area, but also aligns with the style, content, and purpose you aim to achieve. There are two things you should definitely include in your Facebook group name:

You will also want to be sure you include the word ‘mom’ or ‘moms’ in your group’s name somewhere.

Make sure to include the local area where your business is located.

  1. Choose a cover photo

Use your cover photo to showcase your photography. When it comes to creating a cover photo for your brand, Canva is an excellent option. With its user-friendly interface and wide range of customizable options, you can design a cover photo that aligns perfectly with your branding. When you are making your cover photo, it should be sized 2460 x 936. You can also add text that says “hosted by (your business name)” on the cover photo.

  1. Create your membership questions

You can ask three questions when you have a closed or private Facebook group. Below are suggestions for how to set these questions up so you can get some important information about why people are interested in your group, how they hope to interact inside of it, and of course, you can get their contact information so you can add them to your business email list.

-For the first question, ask members to add their email address. You’ll need to let them know that you are going to add their email address to your business list. You can say something like, “Add your email to get access to this awesome community of local moms, and I will add you to my list so you can be the first to know about limited edition sessions, special promos, and local area events.”

-In the second question, ask members to write a bit about what they want to get out of the group, so you can create the type of content that will keep members engaged with your group content and other members.

-In the last question, inquire if they have been considering a photo session in the near future. Cater this to the type of photography you do. Then you can ask them if they would be ok with a DM or private message from you to talk more about some upcoming options. If they answer yes to this, you can message them and share some upcoming sessions that might fit their needs.

Tip: You can share your work and services in your Facebook group by:  Sharing a portfolio or album of your photography work, highlighting specific services or packages tailored for moms and families, encouraging group members to check out your website or social media profiles, and of course, show off those upcoming mini-sessions!

How to Grow Your Facebook Group 

Start with friends and family

The first place you can find people for your group is on your own personal Facebook page. For starters, use your cover photo as an opportunity to spread the word about your group. Send out messages to your friends and family who follow you on your personal page to join your group, and ask them to also share your page with others.

Share a post in your Facebook feed with a description of your group and a call to action for people to join your mom group. 

Share on your website

On the homepage in the sidebar and/ or footer of your website put a banner or image advertising your Facebook group. You can create these in Canva in the same brand style as your cover images. You can also add membership to your Facebook mom group to your CTA for a lead magnet that you have on your website already. Or, create a new one where people can sign up to get a freebie and gain access to your group.

If you have a blog on your website, you can create a post introducing the launch of your Facebook mom group. Let people know how they can join and what is inside the community. Include a call to action asking people to join and share this post on their own Facebook pages. You can also do a “best Facebook Mom Group” round-up post. Once your post is live, email and reach out on social media to those groups you mentioned in your post asking them to share and tag you and your group on their social media.

Exclusive offers sign!

Share  Promotions and Exclusive Offers

Creating exclusive promotions or discounts for members of your group is a fantastic way to reward their loyalty and foster a sense of community. Offering special deals or discounts that are specifically tailored to your group members demonstrates your appreciation for their support and encourages continued engagement. 

These exclusive promotions can range from discounted photo sessions, personalized packages, or even freebies like what-to-wear guides, or additional prints or digital downloads. Another popular incentive for being a member of your group could be that this is where you announce limited-time offers or mini-sessions specifically for mom group members.

 Inside your group, don’t forget to encourage referrals and word-of-mouth recommendations from group members. You could also encourage people to share your group by offering an incentive to members who get people to sign up.

How to keep Your Facebook Group Engaged

Aside from consistency- which is crucial to a successful group- engagement rolls in at a close second when it comes to doing this right. Here are some ideas for posts that will keep your members engaged, coming back for more, and maybe even turning the ‘alerts on’ for your group! 

  1. Schedule posts in advance- Set aside one day a week to schedule all of your posts for the week. Or, you can dedicate a block of time every few weeks or months to curate a collection of daily posts that offer a diverse mix of content. This can include polls, memes, blog posts, thought-provoking questions, and more.
  2. Set aside time to respond-responding to comments and questions is just as important as posting content in your group. Make sure you check in at least once a day, preferably twice- once in the AM and once in the evening- to respond and engage in your group.
  3. Ask Questions- Asking questions in your group is a great way to boost engagement and get members talking to each other. 
  4. Post Blog Posts- Posting your blog posts in response to questions, or as a way to share tips, tricks, or advice is a great way to drive traffic to your website and get more members onto your website to see your work.
  5. Post memes that are relatable- Everybody loves a meme. Sharing and tagging other people’s memes in your group tackles two birds with one stone. You share relatable content your members will ove, and you can reach a wider audience by tagging the memes' original owner in your post.
  6. Go Live- Facebook lives really engage your group members. You can interview other local business owners or persons of interest for your members based on their interests that you notice inside the group.
  7. Start a local thread- Start a thread asking members to share their favorite local (fill in the blank) this is an amazing way to connect with local businesses.

Build Relationships and Network

  •  Engage in one-on-one conversations with interested moms. Being engaged in your group is vital to its success, and to the success of using it to grow your photography business. Having genuine conversations about topics of interest and offering useful tips will keep members coming back and engaging with your group. It will also make them want to share your group with others if they feel it offers them real value. 

  • Attend local mom group events or meetups to connect with potential clients. When you are in other local Facebook mom groups, you’ll hear about local events that you can go to and connect with local businesses and potential clients in person. Always be ready to share your business, and be genuine in your openness to other people sharing their’s to create good business relationships in your community.

  • Collaborate with other mom group vendors, such as event planners or stylists. Working with other local businesses is a fabulous way to connect with the local community, spread the word about your business, and get more clients.

Handling Challenges and Negative Feedback in Facebook Groups

 Even if you set up your group rules in your Facebook group, you still might have to deal with some negative group behavior or feedback inside your group. Always remember to deal with negative comments or criticisms professionally and as positively as you can. 

Addressing concerns and providing solutions promptly and transparently is one of the best ways to tackle negative issues and deal with difficult clients or group members inside your Facebook group. 

 On the upside, remember that everything is a lesson and you can use (constructive) feedback to improve your services and enhance customer satisfaction.

Don’t Forget to Track Your Results and Adjust Your Strategies

Taking note and monitoring the success of your efforts in mom groups through engagement and conversions is a good practice to get into as you grow your group. For the best results and a long-lasting, growing, and engaged group you will want to analyze which strategies and posts resonate most with the audience.  Making necessary adjustments to your approach based on feedback and data will greatly benefit your group and your business.

Using Already Existing Facebook Groups to Help Your Business

Aside from starting your own Facebook mom group, being active in any existing groups lets you get a glimpse into the microcosm of the larger community that you work in, and at the moms who could very well be your next clients. 

Along with sharing in these groups, you can also use the info that you gather from members to get a better idea of who your local audience is- what they do for work, where they shop, and what trends they are following. 

These groups can really help you iIdentify the key characteristics and needs of your target audience within mom groups and in turn the possible clients in your local area.

Inside these groups you can research popular topics, challenges, and interests that are discussed. Keep an eye on- and participate in- popular or recurring mom group threads.

Don’t forget that being genuinely helpful is your best practice in Facebook mom groups. You will get better clients and not risk getting blocked from the group as well. You don’t always have to be selling- offer a tip from your experience to someone who could really benefit from it and it will get you far.

Grow your photography business.

Unlocking the Potential of Facebook Mom Groups to Grow Your Photography Business

One of the biggest reasons people share things on social media is that they want to look knowledgeable, or helpful, to their friends, family, and followers on the platform. The more real value your group offers the more shareable, valuable, and popular it will become on Facebook and in your local community.

By bringing real value to your Facebook mom group you will create a great community that is connected to each other and is always ready to come to you for their photography needs and share your business with others, both on and offline.

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